I have been away from my blog for a very long time. Much of my blogging has been along the lines of some very serious content, and today I return with a rather light-hearted post!
We live in the desert, and even though folks often talk about the horrible summer heat, there is something to be said for the winters. Not bad! Not like Buffalo NY or the Twin Cities in MN! Not like the brutal winds of WY or the bone chilling dampness of MO! Just 'chilly'! It is at this time of year that the gray hooded zip sweatshirt makes a real comeback!
When I first get out of bed, rather than turn on the heat, I zip up the hoodie. It's been with me since 2003 or 2004 and is holding up well! There is a logo on it that reminds me of Jesus, as it has crosses as the main focal point. I then live in the hoodie until it is time to run.
After I have my running clothes on I put the hoodie on top. It is there before I run and I put it on right afterwards to cover and warm the body that is sweaty. Thus, a sweatshirt! It keeps me warm and happy!
If I'm going about town on errands I use this hoodie. You see, when you are inside the stores it seems warm, so I take it off and tie it around my waist. The zipper is an exceptional feature because you don't have to mess up your hair by pulling it over your head. Just unzip and tie! Bam! It comes off and goes back on again while outside in the FREEZING TEMPS of the low 60's!! :D It then comes off in the car, which is plenty warm due to solar heating. Off and on...easily!
At night, when it's dark outside and I am in my home the hoodie makes it's last appearance of the day. It's my 'housecoat' over the pj's until I get in bed.
Just can't say enough about this dear 'friend' of mine, my gray zip hoodie!
Happy Friday to all!
Friday, December 3, 2010
Saturday, January 23, 2010
A Long Dry Spell!
Greetings Readers!
It's been a very long time since I posted something on this blog. Sorry about the long dry spell. In fact, I have been trying for the last 10 min. to post a couple of pictures and it's just not working. I'll try again after I type the text of this post!
Here are some highlights to share: We had a wonderful trip to Ecuador in September with Compassion International. We got to meet the girl, Vanessa, whom we have supported for 11 years! She turned 15 in December! We also added a new girl to support, Karina, and we were thrilled to meet her as well. The trip to Ecuador is one we will always cherish. We've made some new friends who were also on the trip.
In November we found out that Nolan's cancer is back for a third time. This time, however, there can be no treatment. The tumor in his lung cannot be opperated on, and no chemo is being given. Nolan's prognosis is terminal. He is now 5 years old and attends Kindergarten. I write on January 23 and he is still doing OK, but some signs are beginning. Hospice is already involved and will be there to make him comfortable in his last days. We don't know when that will be, but Jim and I, as well as all of Nolan's loved ones from near and far, have spent as much time with Nolan as they can. We are thankful to have a home in Albuquerque so we can go over there often and spend long periods of time near Nolan, Eric, and sweet sister Claire! ( 16 mos) Jim is able to work from that location, which is an added blessing.
Jim's work: Going very well. He was so very busy and traveling most of 2009 and was the leader of launching the mines as an IPO. Rio Tinto mines are now available for individual investors to purchase shares under the code: CLD ( Cloud Peak Energy) There is one mine that was not 'spun off' and Jim is the president/CEO of this mine located in Colorado. We enjoyed going to Craig, CO, for the company Christmas party!
A blessing to see the following dear family of ours during the months of November and December: Jim's parents, Carole and Dwight. Jim's sister, Peg, and husband,Dennis; Ingrid, Drew and his wife Lindsey, Sarah ( all the way from Ukraine!) and Eric, Nolan, and Claire. Also a wonderful Christmas Eve service at Christ the Ray of Hope where Nolan was a shepherd and many family members from Harold and Sherry's gang were there! 19 folks in Nolan's family photo that night! Truly a celebration of the salvation we have which began in the birth of the Christ child. And Nolan knows his Savior! Therefore, all is well.
Finally, the training which began in Aug. and ended 6 days ago on Jan. 18th with Team Diabetes. Our 4th year to train and fundraise for the American Diabetes Association. This year I was the top fundraiser with $7,200.00 and Jim was second with $4,100.00. All going for ADA! And our races....PFChang Rock N Roll...Jim did a great job on the full marathon and was pleased with his outcome, and I was SUPER excited that I set a personal record, my fastest half marathon out of 6 of them! My time was 2:37:19 and that's an achievement for me.
So, on this rainy Saturday in Scottsdale AZ I will sign off now, try to attach a photo or two before I hit the publish post button, and send you my love and the love of the Lord Jesus!
All is well.
It's been a very long time since I posted something on this blog. Sorry about the long dry spell. In fact, I have been trying for the last 10 min. to post a couple of pictures and it's just not working. I'll try again after I type the text of this post!
Here are some highlights to share: We had a wonderful trip to Ecuador in September with Compassion International. We got to meet the girl, Vanessa, whom we have supported for 11 years! She turned 15 in December! We also added a new girl to support, Karina, and we were thrilled to meet her as well. The trip to Ecuador is one we will always cherish. We've made some new friends who were also on the trip.
In November we found out that Nolan's cancer is back for a third time. This time, however, there can be no treatment. The tumor in his lung cannot be opperated on, and no chemo is being given. Nolan's prognosis is terminal. He is now 5 years old and attends Kindergarten. I write on January 23 and he is still doing OK, but some signs are beginning. Hospice is already involved and will be there to make him comfortable in his last days. We don't know when that will be, but Jim and I, as well as all of Nolan's loved ones from near and far, have spent as much time with Nolan as they can. We are thankful to have a home in Albuquerque so we can go over there often and spend long periods of time near Nolan, Eric, and sweet sister Claire! ( 16 mos) Jim is able to work from that location, which is an added blessing.
Jim's work: Going very well. He was so very busy and traveling most of 2009 and was the leader of launching the mines as an IPO. Rio Tinto mines are now available for individual investors to purchase shares under the code: CLD ( Cloud Peak Energy) There is one mine that was not 'spun off' and Jim is the president/CEO of this mine located in Colorado. We enjoyed going to Craig, CO, for the company Christmas party!
A blessing to see the following dear family of ours during the months of November and December: Jim's parents, Carole and Dwight. Jim's sister, Peg, and husband,Dennis; Ingrid, Drew and his wife Lindsey, Sarah ( all the way from Ukraine!) and Eric, Nolan, and Claire. Also a wonderful Christmas Eve service at Christ the Ray of Hope where Nolan was a shepherd and many family members from Harold and Sherry's gang were there! 19 folks in Nolan's family photo that night! Truly a celebration of the salvation we have which began in the birth of the Christ child. And Nolan knows his Savior! Therefore, all is well.
Finally, the training which began in Aug. and ended 6 days ago on Jan. 18th with Team Diabetes. Our 4th year to train and fundraise for the American Diabetes Association. This year I was the top fundraiser with $7,200.00 and Jim was second with $4,100.00. All going for ADA! And our races....PFChang Rock N Roll...Jim did a great job on the full marathon and was pleased with his outcome, and I was SUPER excited that I set a personal record, my fastest half marathon out of 6 of them! My time was 2:37:19 and that's an achievement for me.
So, on this rainy Saturday in Scottsdale AZ I will sign off now, try to attach a photo or two before I hit the publish post button, and send you my love and the love of the Lord Jesus!
All is well.
Monday, June 29, 2009
June Joy

Hello Readers,
June has come and gone so quickly. Here are just a few highlights:
1. Jim and I celebrated our 19th anniversary in Scottsdale. The restaurant had beautiful views at the base of Camelback Mountain.
2. June 11th to June 27 were days away. The majority of the time we were in Albuquerque in our home there. We got to hang out with the grandkids and also take a few more steps towards the completion of a master bathroom renovation that Eric is heading up for us. Good times in Albuq. with running and some classes in the gym, too. We enjoyed the MUCH cooler temps. there.
3. Over Father's Day weekend we made a quick trip to Denver. Enjoyed spending time with Jim's parents and his sister Peg and her hubby Dennis. So glad we made the trip!
It seems we'll be sticking around Scottsdale in July. I have a 45 hour course I must take to renew my teaching certification. Glad my friend Susan is taking it with me.
See you next time.
May you know the JOY of the Lord!
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Graduation Guy!

Hip Hip Hooray!!
We were so pleased to make a trip to So California this past weekend to celebrate the graduation of youngest son Drew. Jim and I traveled on Wednesday and Thursday and enjoyed time with Drew and Lindsey before the activities began on Friday.
Friday morning was Baccalureate on campus. What a joy! Singing, sermon, and commisioning of the graduates to go out into the world with the Good News of Jesus rocked my socks off! ( I was wearing sandals, but you get the picture!)
We enjoyed spending some quality time with dear friends Patra and Peter and their little ones. Then, it was off to the graduation where we met up with daughter Ingrid.
Commencement was also very good. We heard an inspirational message entitled, "The Worth of a Man" from baseball legend Dave Dravecky. He attributed his worth in life to his relationship with His Lord, Jesus Christ. The celebration of Drew's accomplishments at Concordia University were a moment that will become a joyous memory. As you see in the picture, our family of consisted of Jim, Sue, Ingrid, Drew's wife Lindsey, and of course, the graduate Drew!!
Cheers of you, Drew Berson, and God's most perfect joy and peace as you continue on to your 'next half', four years of Seminary in St. Louis!
Joshua 1:9 "Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified, do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go."
Monday, May 11, 2009
Jacaranda memories

I will never forget the day I was on a walk in the area of my home in Sydney. I was in a neighborhood of small homes spaced closely together. As I walked I was approaching an open area and in just seconds I had a view that I will never forget. Below me was an area of homes that were built in a forest of jacaranda trees! Literally hundreds... all in full purple splendor! The sight took my breath away. The color was vibrant and the blooms were huge. I didn't know the name of the tree but since that time I have seen many jacarandas, although nothing has compared to that area of Sydney. (it would have been November, their spring)
The jacarandas are in bloom in Scottsdale. Even though we lived here before I never noticed them. Perhaps that is because they are not nearly as magnificent as those in Oz, or perhaps because I've gained new eyes for seeing things in a different way as I get older. Memories and present day all have their place in this complicated thing we call life!
Here's a post in memory of Sydney's jacarandas!
Monday, April 20, 2009
Triple Triumph!
Hello Readers!
Here is the triple triumph!!!
1. Jim set a personal record of his best time in Pat's Run out of 3 years (07,08,09)
2. I set a personal record of my best time in Pat's Run out of 3 years (07,08,09)
3. And the third accomplishment is the photo appearing on this blog. I received this picture from Coach Dave( our Team D coach)in an email and I figured out how to move it to my pictures and was then able to put it on my blog. A first! For those of you who know me well (tech. challenged) this is indeed a huge triumph!! Yippee!!
I thought it was really cool the way Dave put the date/caption over the picture!
Thanks, Dave.
JOY for today!
Saturday, April 18, 2009
Jim's 55/10 day!

Today is Jim's birthday...he is 55 years old today! I've been hearing him talk about 55/10 lately and this day is a very big one for him because it is connected to his company's health benefits policy. If I am understanding this correctly, the health options become more secure if retirement occurs at age 55 and with 10 years of service. Jim has hit 55 and his years of employment with his company will be 18 on May 1st! So, this milestone is important to him, especially when you consider the weight of medical costs for his Type 1 diabetic wife! (that's me!)
We've had a fun day which started early and took us to a 7 am start time for Pat's Run, a local race which is done in honor of Pat Tillman. It's a short run, of only 4.2 miles which is in recognition of his jersey number(42) when he played football for the AZ Sun Devils. We finish on the 42 yardline of Sun Devil's stadium! We both ran well, we think it's our fastest in the 3 years that we've done this run. PR!
Next was our Praise Band rehearsal...which lasted 2 hours! Yikes! But our music tomorrow for 2 services should sound just fine. We're playing/singing with new people so the group was not quite as familiar with each other's styles. God be praised!
Tonight Jim is cooking a rack of lamb on the BBQ. That will be really yummy! It's just the two of us, a very small party! The special highlight in addtion to the lamb will be the bottle of wine from Australia. This wine is a Penfolds Grange. Many of you may know the label Penfolds, but this particular type ( Grange) is something very special. It was a going away gift when we left Australia and is expensive...like in the hundreds of dollars! First pour was 2007, but it's fine to keep it longer. It's a 1997 vintage/ bottled in 1998. I'm not up on all of that, but I do know we've been waiting to open this wine for a long time! We had planned to open it when Jim retired, but he's having a lot of fun in his job so that's a ways away...time to open the grange!!! And to you, Jim Berson, I raise my glass and say, "Cheers! I love you, and may God's grace and love overflow today and always!"
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