Drum roll, please!
With great joy I introduce you to Drew's wife, Lindsey, and reacquaint you with Eric's wife, Beth. They are such an important part of our family, and I wanted you to see their beautiful smiles for yourselves.
In my last post I talked about being the mother of four adult children. Now I can add these two wonderful women to that group and say I am the mother of SIX adult children! Mom, step-mom, mother-in-law, and you might as well throw in GRANDmother...it's a role I truly cherish. I am blessed by each relationship. I thank God for you all!
Beth and Lindsey, you are valued and loved. I close with some verses from Proverb 31:
"A wife of noble character , who can find? She is worth far more than rubies."
"She is clothed with strength and dignity' she can laugh at the days to come."
"She speaks with wisdom, and faithful instruction is on her tongue."
"Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting; but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised."
Note: Eric and Beth were married June 7, 2003 and reside in Albuquerque with son Nolan.
Drew and Lindsey were married December 16, 2006 and are currently serving a mission
Guatemala City, Guatemala. They will return to the states this summer and move to CA
for Drew to return to his university studies.
Monday, March 19, 2007
Sunday, March 11, 2007
Now it's four ADULTS!!
Today marks a landmark event. I am now the mother of four ADULTS! Drew, the youngest of the four, turns twenty-one today!!! Happy Birthday, Drew!
Here's a bit of history to help you understand this blog posting.
The year was 1999 and Drew was turning thirteen years old on March 11th. It was a big deal. The other amazing thing was that with Drew marking the beginning of his teens, Eric was winding down. Eric was still nineteen at that time, but would have his July birthday that year and turn twenty, leaving the teens behind.
The kids presented us with buttons that said, " I am the mother of four teenagers!" for me, and the one for Jim read, "I'm married to the mother of four teenagers!" We laughed and laughed and I wore mine not only on that day, but for a long time afterwards. I was thrilled to be the mom of four teenagers.
I continue to be thrilled to be their mom. Mom, or step-mom, to me they are all four children of my heart! I thank God and praise Him for the gift of four remarkable, no longer teenager, ADULTS!! May God bless you and keep you, Eric, Ingrid, Sarah, and birthday 'boy' Drew! I love you!
Monday, March 5, 2007
On My Own!
Greetings from Sue, the blogger!
Here we go, this is the 'solo' flight of Sue the Blogger. There is no one around to help me and I've gotten up the nerve to try this without any of my grown up kids... On my own!
The part I've enjoyed the most about the blog aspect is the ability to attach pictures. I never mastered that on the emails, so hopefully when I finish writing this brief note I'll be successful in posting a couple of pictures. That's the goal, at least.
I really am on my own for the next week, as Jim had to make another trip to Colombia and left late Sunday morning. After considering the choice of being bummed that he wasn't here, I gave up on that idea and decided to go for a long walk and see what was outside my four walls. What I found was wonderful! I saw many beautiful plants and spring starting to bloom here in the desert. I saw things that I normally don't see because it's usually dark outside when I run, and when I run I'm using up every bit of energy on the activity itself. So walking was great.
What I did realize is that I wasn't on my own. I was walking with the Lord and He was showing me that He loved me in so many ways. He just had to slow me down and get me off by myself. It was like water to the parched soul in the desert...a refreshing time and even better yet, a much better option than the pity party I was headed for. I even carried my water bottle with me, which I don't do when I run.
The thirst was quenched, and it was my thirsty spirit that was filled. And to be perfectly candid, I enjoyed being on my own! I highly recommend it!
Hoping to find a couple of pictures of water...representing the water of LIFE! Drink up! Cheers!
ps. Picture on left is in the desert/sand dunes of Namibia, Africa in June 2006. Picture on right is the Grand Canyon, Arizona, USA in August 2006. Nalgene bottles have high milage on them!
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