On April 7th there will be a celebration of 84 years of life! Yes, my dear mom, Marian Prellwitz, will be turning 84! She lives in Lincoln, Nebraska in the house that she and my dad bought in 1981. She's alone now, as my dad passed away in December of 2005.
But those of you who know my mom know that she's seldom alone. She enjoys people! She thrives on them! Mom loves to go out to the stores just to see people. She calls it, "plowing around". She's also still keeping up with her bridge friends and spends time up at church putting the bult. tog. most Fridays. Her slow days are when she stays home and gets caught up in a book. Mom certainly has been a trooper about finding joy in daily life even without my dad.
The best way to sum her up is to reiterate something Ingrid said recently. Ingrid had called Grandma Prellwitz and when Grandma picked up the phone Ingrid said, " How are you?" Her reply..." I'm WILD!" So there you have it in a nutshell. Happy 84th Birthday Wild Thing!!!
The next celebration is an achievement I recently accomplished. I've been working on this for almost 20 years now and it has finally happened. As you know, I'm a Type 1 diabetic and have to take insulin either by shot or the past 5 years, by the pump. I am careful about watching my blood sugar levels and yet my hemoglobin A1C ( It's like a summary of sugar levels over a long period of time) has never been below the magic number of 7. The closest I've come in the past has been a 7.1. I was so thrilled by that number that I went out and bought a new pair of shoes! I call them my '7.1 shoes'! Even though it's advised to be below a 7, my health is still quite good all things considered and my doctor was fine with my number in the low sevens.
I am so pleased to report that when I saw my doctor on Monday, April 2, I was given the great news that my A1C was a 6.8! He smiled the biggest smile I've ever seen on his face, and I cried. In fact, I'm tearing up now as I type because it's just that big of a deal to me. I think this is one of the hardest things I've worked this long on, and tried so hard to do! 6.8!!! Praise God!
The numbers 84 and 6.8 are being celebrated on April 7th. Now I just have to figure out what my 6.8 purchase will be. Perhaps a new car? NAW! Let me know if you have any suggestions, and in the meantime, maybe I'll start looking in the shoe department.