You are CHOSEN!!
We heard that over and over again while attending your Lutheran Church's National Youth Gathering. The gathering was held in Orlando, FL from July 28th to August 1st. Around 25,000 youth attended and it was fantastic! Jim and I were so blessed to be able to be a part of this magnificent gathering.
While there we experienced lots of lines and lots of waiting! Lots of walking and lots of water! Lots of laughs and lots of love! And lots of PEOPLE! CHOSEN people. A royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people BELONGING TO GOD!!
Saw two youth that we haven't seen for awhile. David Segar from Iowa City, Iowa, and Kelly McMahill from Gillette, WY. Got to see Ingrid for short 5 or 10 minutes at a time several times while there. It's just hard when you've got you own group to direct/lead. She had 31 and we had 12!
Jim and I came back with tired bodies and happy hearts! We thank God for His hand on the whole trip and know that we were chosen for this special task of leading.
I will close with the theme Bible verse for NYG 2007:
But you are a CHOSEN people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people belonging to God. That you might declare the praises of Him who called you OUT of darkness, into His WONDERFUL LIGHT!! 1 Peter 2:9
May you know joy in your heart because this verse is talking about YOU!
Bless you all!