It seems that lately the excercise experts are recommending strengthening your core muscles. If the core is solid and well, your body will be much healthier overall.
The last couple of days I've had to exercise my emotional core, that being my heart. Sarah is heading overseas to Ukraine for 27 months with the Peace Corp. We had to say goodbye to her early this morning at the airport here in Phoenix and send her off for training, and then she'll be sent on her Peace Corp assignment. The reality of the loss in closness to her physically hit my core very hard. Tears were shed, and are flowing freely now. But not tears only of loss and sadness, also tears of pride and joy and love! In fact, mostly tears of pride and joy and love!!
My mind has worked on exercising my core with positive thoughts; memories of years long ago and recent memories made in these past two days while she was here. I've thought of the positive impact Sarah will make on so many lives. And she will grow in this experience. I've prayed, a lot! I am thankful to God for His Spirit giving peace to my core.
And to you, Sarah:
Bless you, Sweet Sarah.
May the peace of Christ dwell in you richly.
Peace in the Core!