It is with great joy that I write this entry. The picture you see in this blog was taken almost a year ago, Thanksgiving 2007, in our condo community pool. I am choosing this photo because I want you to join me in giving Thanks to God for His strength being poured out on Nolan, Eric, Beth, and little Claire. Here's the latest, greatest news:
Eric called today with the best news we've heard in a long time. The area in the upper leg that had the turmor removed last summer has NO SIGN OF CANCER! The tumor in the lung has shrunk by nearly 50 percent!
The next steps are: Do two more rounds of chemo and then the doctors will look at removing the lung tumor. After he recovers from the surgery there will perhaps be two or three more cycles of chemo. But the bottom line is this: HEALING is taking place and cancer has been defeated in one area. God be praised!
As Eric said in his email, Thanks for your thoughts and prayers. I concur, and ask that you would please continue to pray. It was amazing just how strong Nolan was through all of this recent chemo and radiation, and I know that's because so many were storming the gates of heaven!
Philppians 4:13 I can do everything though Him who gives me STRENGTH!