Today is Jim's birthday...he is 55 years old today! I've been hearing him talk about 55/10 lately and this day is a very big one for him because it is connected to his company's health benefits policy. If I am understanding this correctly, the health options become more secure if retirement occurs at age 55 and with 10 years of service. Jim has hit 55 and his years of employment with his company will be 18 on May 1st! So, this milestone is important to him, especially when you consider the weight of medical costs for his Type 1 diabetic wife! (that's me!)
We've had a fun day which started early and took us to a 7 am start time for Pat's Run, a local race which is done in honor of Pat Tillman. It's a short run, of only 4.2 miles which is in recognition of his jersey number(42) when he played football for the AZ Sun Devils. We finish on the 42 yardline of Sun Devil's stadium! We both ran well, we think it's our fastest in the 3 years that we've done this run. PR!
Next was our Praise Band rehearsal...which lasted 2 hours! Yikes! But our music tomorrow for 2 services should sound just fine. We're playing/singing with new people so the group was not quite as familiar with each other's styles. God be praised!
Tonight Jim is cooking a rack of lamb on the BBQ. That will be really yummy! It's just the two of us, a very small party! The special highlight in addtion to the lamb will be the bottle of wine from Australia. This wine is a Penfolds Grange. Many of you may know the label Penfolds, but this particular type ( Grange) is something very special. It was a going away gift when we left Australia and is expensive...like in the hundreds of dollars! First pour was 2007, but it's fine to keep it longer. It's a 1997 vintage/ bottled in 1998. I'm not up on all of that, but I do know we've been waiting to open this wine for a long time! We had planned to open it when Jim retired, but he's having a lot of fun in his job so that's a ways away...time to open the grange!!! And to you, Jim Berson, I raise my glass and say, "Cheers! I love you, and may God's grace and love overflow today and always!"