Hip Hip Hooray!!
We were so pleased to make a trip to So California this past weekend to celebrate the graduation of youngest son Drew. Jim and I traveled on Wednesday and Thursday and enjoyed time with Drew and Lindsey before the activities began on Friday.
Friday morning was Baccalureate on campus. What a joy! Singing, sermon, and commisioning of the graduates to go out into the world with the Good News of Jesus rocked my socks off! ( I was wearing sandals, but you get the picture!)
We enjoyed spending some quality time with dear friends Patra and Peter and their little ones. Then, it was off to the graduation where we met up with daughter Ingrid.
Commencement was also very good. We heard an inspirational message entitled, "The Worth of a Man" from baseball legend Dave Dravecky. He attributed his worth in life to his relationship with His Lord, Jesus Christ. The celebration of Drew's accomplishments at Concordia University were a moment that will become a joyous memory. As you see in the picture, our family of consisted of Jim, Sue, Ingrid, Drew's wife Lindsey, and of course, the graduate Drew!!
Cheers of you, Drew Berson, and God's most perfect joy and peace as you continue on to your 'next half', four years of Seminary in St. Louis!
Joshua 1:9 "Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified, do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go."