Greetings from Arizona!
June has come and gone and I thought I would do a quick recap. Since I last wrote Jim and I have literally traveled the world! The last two weeks of June were spent in Sydney, Australia and then on to Singapore. Jim had work in both locations, and I got to tag along!
The weather in Sydney was cold and wet. Well, it is winter there and even though we lived there for 3 winters I don't remember a string of days quite like the 6 that we were there. The weather did, however, lend itself to lots of indoor time and the chance to catch up with dear friends! Wonderful times with church friends and even a chance to see Stuart, one of the 'blokes' who had worked on the renovation of our flat. Just good to catch up with the many people who have 'caught' our hearts!!
After Australia we made our way to Singapore. We landed around 9:30 at night and walked out of the airport into the tropics! Oh so humid! Even though the temperature was in the 80's it felt like it does here when it's 115! But the scents and the sights were absolutely lovely! Such a welcoming place. I asked our taxi driver why it is so very clean. In a lengthy explanation he said something like this: "There are plain clothes police. The are laws against littering. If you litter even a small amount...even a cigarette butt, you will be fined $500."
While Jim was in his meetings I was able to scout around the city and did my travel by public transport. I bought one magnetic card the size of a credit card, loaded it up with a whole $15 Sing. dollars and off I went. It worked on the bus, the train ( underground) and even McDonalds!! Yes, you could swipe it for a coke or anything on the menu! I stayed entertained for two days that way. Saw lots and probably the most fun for me is just 'being' in the areas where tourists are not.
We are officially over the jet lag...going from Singapore back home was pretty rough. The other direction is always easier for us. But we're doing just fine and are enjoying the summer in Scottsdale. Yes, we are some of the few who do enjoy it here in the summer! Call us crazy, but we like the fact that the roads are not congested, there is only a 5 min. wait for a table at a restaurant, and the pool is very close by! Jim even golfs in the heat...the tee times are usually $15 to $20 and you never have to wait to get on! There is always something to be thankful for!
I'm thankful for you! And may God bless you all richly this summer. Jesus is Lord!
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