Greetinge to all my dear readers, wherever you may be!
After the National Youth Gathering was over I was all over my training for the half marathon that would be run on Sept. 3, 2007 in Disneyland, CA! I was up there in milage and was even getting faster! That is, up until I broke my toe! Yep, I tripped and broke a toe on Aug. 21st. It brought my training to a screeching hault.
With the permission of the doctor I started running a couple short runs just before we left on Aug. 31st. Jim was ready also, and had worked hard to do his personal best in this Half Marathon.
Labor Day weekend! It had finally come and we were in California. The beauty of this race was that it coincided with Ingrid's 26th birthday. I always thought it was humorous that I gave birth to my lovely daughter on Labor Day! ( Sept. 1st)
We had a great time with Ingrid on her birthday. In addition, we were able to spend time with Sarah, Drew and Lindsey, and Patra and her two little ones. Good times with all! Really great to see our grown up off-spring in their realm. ( Picture taken at dinner on Ingrid's birthday.)
Back to the half marathon. It was on Sept. 3 and the weather was so hot. Triple digits and humid. I later heard that there had been talk of calling it off. But, no, they did not. Jim and I both took off around 6:10 am. To make a long story short, Jim did just fine. Was a bit slower than he's hoped for, but did well. I, on the other hand, LABORED through and did finish, but by the skin of my chinny chin chin! And it was NOT blood sugar related, as I had thought.
I crossed the finish line and felt like I was going to pass out. Was taken by wheelchair to the med. tent. Afer seeing that my blood sugar was just fine, the blood pressure became the give away. LOW. I was dehydrated! I was told either I get an IV hooked up or it was off to the hospital. I took the IV! Just needed fluid. I had refused at first, trying to leave once I knew my sugar was OK. I was supposed to meet up with Jim and I knew he'd be concerned, since he had finished over an hour ahead of me. A kind lady from the med. tent went and found him for me.
The story ends as follows: Sue finished in 3 hours 9 min. with dehydration and huge blisters on the bottom of both feet. Jim finished in a bit over 2 hours.
Broken toe is almost healed. Doctor gave his blessing for me to do another half marathon, said that what I experienced had NOTHING to do with my diabetes, just unusual conditions that any human would struggle with. I am back running.
And as always, I LABOR on, with the Lord!
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