Greetings in the name of Jesus, our Savior born in Bethlehem. We wish you JOY in Him!
On January 18th of 2008 my mom went to her final address, heaven. It was a very sudden death and we are thankful that she went quickly and without pain. We think she had a heart attack after shoveling snow. Mom had spend about 6 weeks with us in AZ just weeks before, and we cherish those special memories.
Our family is ever changing as our children get older. There is another grandchild to celebrate, and we welcomed Claire Shelby Johnson into the family on September 2. She and her dad, Eric, mom, Beth, and big brother Nolan(4 yrs.) live in Albuquerque. Nolan's cancer returned in April and they battle on. Chemo and radiation brought some wonderful results, however, and healing is taking place. We thank God for that, and invite you to keep this family in your prayers. (check earlier blogs)
Jim travels a lot with his work. This past year it has been mostly within the USA, with an occasional trip to London. He was also given an additional responsiblity as CEO/President of Colowyo Mining Company in Craig, CO. Rio Tinto is shifting and redirecting its holdings as many companys are doing in this challenged economic time. We are thankful for this new opportunity for Jim. I am still subbing, but haven't had a lot of jobs this fall. I am hoping that picks up soon...love the kids.
Volunteer stuff includes: Music at church, Life Care message for me once a month, prayer shawl knitting ( you guess who does that!!), Jim is an elder, and we've served on various think tanks/ committees. I've joined the prayer ministry team. We are also both training for the Rock and Roll FULL MARATHON with Team Diabetes and raised money as volunteers to support the American Diabetes Association.
Summer brought about more change: Ingrid moved from CA to Albuquerque and is currently working for Big Brothers/Big Sisters of New Mexico. She enjoys being near the Johnson clan! Drew and Lindsey remain in So. CA where they both work and both attend school. Drew finishes at Concordia in May of 09. Lindsey is currently working on her degree as a Nurse Practitioner. Sarah made her final arrangments with the Peace Corps and awaited her assignment...Ukraine! She said farewell to us on Sept. 19th and has just received her two year placement assignment in Tartarbunary!
July also included a trip to LaCrosse, WI, to bury Mom's ashed next to my dad's. Jim and I also attended my 35th High School reunion in Fairmont, MN. Fun!
I had the honor of being trustee of Mom and Dad's trusts. They were distributed by the beginning of August and after we considered our options Jim and I decided investing in a property rather than the stock market seemed wise. We were able to buy a small home in Albuquerque. We continue to keep our Scottsdale home as our main residence. It's nice to have a place to stay when we visit the grandkids...and this summer it will offer an escape from the desert heat for a week or two at a stretch.
A momenteous occasion was celebrated in Denver the weekend of Aug. 8th...the 60th wedding anniversary of Jim's parents, Dwight and Carole Berson!!It was a great party and such a wonderful tribute to two people who have been dedicated to their union and family for so many years! We are thankful and blessed.
Full circle..January 18th, 2009 is the date of the Rock and Roll Marthon...Jim's 4th and my first. Being the one year anniversary of mom's death you can bet I'll have have a HUGE smile as I think of her and her enduring spirit. JOY!
May the Peace of God, the Love of the Christchild, and Hope in the Spirit be yours, today and ahead in 2009.
Much love,
Jim and Sue
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