Greetings to all of you,
Jim and I were so grateful to make a trip to Albuquerque the last days of February to celebrate Nolan's 5th birthday! The picture on the couch is in our home in Albuquerque, and was taken the day after Nolan turned 5. We are so thankful for his very life, considering the challenges that he has had to face in his short lifetime. And the recent blessing is that he is cancer free! The scans taken on March 3 came back clean. Praise God for that answer to prayer! However, the advice of the doctor was for him to undergo two more rounds of chemo, which he will have. So please continue to keep all of them in your prayers during these next two months.
The second picture amazes me! Beth has one posted on her blog that is very similar. This was taken on Sunday, March 1st in our Albuq. place as well. Claire was one day shy of six months in that photo. Beth has said that if it was anyone other that Eric doing this trick she would not allow it...but because it is Eric, we are all fine with this balancing act, as we know his capacity for balance and reflex!
One final blessing...Jim's latest job assignment to divest the coal mines in North America has one success to date. One of the coal mines has been purchased and he has succeeded wonderfully well!! We were in Gillette just a week ago today when it hit the headlines...Arch Coal buys Jacobs Ranch mine...front page Top Story!!
I write this blog with thanksgiving and send each of you love, from Jesus and me
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