This is funny to me. I actually have no idea what I'm doing creating this blog. Most of you know that I am not 'gifted' in the world of technology and therefore I am really out of my personal comfort zone.
Nevertheless, I shall try to get started in this world of the 'blog' and see where it leads.
My inspiration has come from my kids. Beth, Ingrid, Sarah, and Drew all have blogs. Some are a bit out of date, but still they do exist. I do find reading their blogs very enjoyable, and many times informative! I love seeing the pictures that Ingrid and Beth attach frequently and I hope to be able to do the same. Perhaps not in this first blog. ( So if you don't know what I look like, you can find me in Ingrid's blog!)
The one thing that I thought I could write about was the P.F. Chang Rock 'n' Roll marathon and half marathon that occured here in beautiful Arizona yesterday. It's quite a huge event, this being the fourth one. It gets bigger every year, and I believe there were close to 40,000 runners/walkers this year.
Cold temperatures were not exactly good for running, but at least there was no rain ( or snow) as many of you are experiencing. Jim and I got there very early, around 6:20am. Our Team Diabetes met for a group photo at 7am and then Jim had to get going for the marathon start. My half marathon was later.
We both finished our races and felt we had accomplished a goal that we had worked towards for five months. Jim's was his second marathon, the first being the P.F. Chang in 2005. He was a little bit slower than the first time,( by just a couple of minutes) but overall ran a better race. He came through with a lot less pain and felt strong the entire way. I have only run one other half marathon, and this second one was much improved over my first one. I did well, finishing one minute under my targeted goal. My official posted time was 2 hours 39 min. and 12 seconds! I thank God for running with me every step of the way! I praised and prayed, and in the end gave thanks!
Jim and I both raised money for Team Diabetes, and together we raised almost $6,500.00. My thanks to the many of you who donated to ADA. There might be another opportunity for you to donate next year, as Jim and I are planning to do this again, Lord willin'!
Since I'm not even sure if this will become a real blog, I'll stop writing now. As you read this blog, if indeed I'm successful, keep in mind that I won't have any pictures on this first blog, since I don't know how to attach photos at all. I've never emailed anyone a picture from our digital camera. But, hey, I guess then there's something to look forward to, as I get better.
One of my goals for 2007 was to create a blog, learn how to attach pictures, and learn how to use my ipod and download songs. I have gotten much better with my ipod, so there's still hope.
Yes, there's always HOPE! May you be filled with hope for 2007 in Christ, who makes all things NEW!
Blessings in 2007 and I'll try to improve my blogging skills.